JanUAry 2 is World Introvert Day

After the fireworks from the New Year celebration die down, we celebrate World Introvert Day today, January 2. This is the right time to recharge our social batteries and understand how we, as introverts or those who have introvert colleagues, can empower one another despite our differences to produce the best results or seek the best careers based on our personalities.

Psychologist Carl Jung introduced two personality types—introvert and extrovert (sometimes spelled extravert)—in the 1920s. Jung defined introverts as people who turn to their own minds to recharge while extroverts seek out other people for their energy needs (Ellis, 2022). These individuals are often reflective, self-aware, take time making decisions, need quiet to concentrate, prefer writing over talking, and have hew friendships, but are very close with this people, among other things. (2022) identifies four types of introverts we usually encounter. These are the following:

  1. Social introverts are the types of introverts who do not enjoy being in large crowds or events.

  2. Anxious introverts usually avoid events or situations that could trigger anxiety because they feel uneasy when not in their comfort zones.

  3. Thinking introverts love to constantly stay mentally stimulated and enjoy conversations that are cerebral in nature, usually about art and philosophy.

  4. Restrained introverts are usually guarded but will let their guards down once they find like-minded people.

If you consider yourself as one or a combination of these types, here are some workplace tips you can consider:

  1. Find a career in web design, engineering, writing, IT and software development, graphic design, or accounting if you identify yourself as an independent worker than being part of a group.

  2. If you want to work in a group, include extrovert colleagues in your team and find a balance to become more persuasive especially when pitching a deal. Hirsch (nd) stated that “a purely introverted group may get research and paperwork done” and having an extrovert in the team may add energy to discuss the finer details of the paperwork to potential clients and the stakeholders. Sophia Dembling puts it this way, “It’s not that introverts aren’t good team players. We just don’t need to be in the same room as the rest of the team at all times. We would much prefer to have part of the project carved out for us to squirrel away with it in our offices, consulting as necessary but working independently.”

  3. Communicate your needs. Don’t let people assume things about you. As Hirsch (nd) puts it, “the things left unsaid will be the ones that spell the difference. Disastrous deals and missed deadlines can be avoided if only everyone has each other’s back.”      

On the other hand, Psych2Go (2017) offers some tips dealing with introvert colleagues in the workplace:

  1. Learn their preferred communication methods. Psch2Go (2017) states that every introvert, like any individual, communicates in different ways. Knowing if your introvert colleagues prefer basic texting, emails, or phone calls can ensure staying in touch with them when you need to reach them the most.

  2. Ask and never assume. While introverts tend to listen more in conversations than speak, it helps to be mindful of others by asking them what they think about your ideas. In this instance, silence from your introvert colleagues is not always a yes and to your advantage because, at times, they tend to hold back and not reveal everything all at once.

  3. With patience, show genuine interest in them. (2022) states that restrained introverts tend to guard themselves, and Psych2Go says that once they see that you really want to get to know them and your honesty and authenticity, they will be open to meaningful conversations and a stronger professional relationship with you. Adam S. McHugh puts it this way, “Introverts treasure the close relationships they have stretched so much to make.”    

Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, the important thing is we communicate and find balance. As Yrthya Dinzey-Flores once said, “The value of a diverse team is its capacity to challenge the norm or group, think, and thus boost organizational performance and improve decision-making”

Try these tips out tomorrow when you report back to work and send us feedback. In the meantime, Happy World Introvert Day!



Ellis, R. R. (2022). Introvert personality. WebMD.

Hirsch, J. (nd). How to motivate introverts in the office. HR Nation Philippines. (2022). Looking for your next opportunity? Here are the best jobs for introverts.

Psych2Go. (2017). 8 methods an extrovert can use to approach an introvert the right way.