Why undergo these training programs?

We offer training programs to individuals and and small groups who want to up skill themselves and find learning with other people enjoyable and productive. These programs provide opportunities to share best practices and learn from diverse industries as well.

How can you maximize these training programs? 

We have online and face-to-face training. For those facilitated virtually, they will be live sessions with real-time interaction between the trainer and the participants. The participants can readily ask questions during the online sessions.

These training programs can be taken individually or as a series throughout the year. We designed them in such a way that these programs can already be your training calendar all-year round.

We further provide special rates for individuals who would register for at least five programs in one registration or for a group of five individuals taking one program.

Further details can be discussed by our team for these special rates.

What are included in the training fee? 

Fees include attendance to the session, digital workbook, and certificate of completion.
For face-to-face training, meals (AM snack, lunch, and PM snack) are also included.

We hope to see you in our learning events this year!