R. S. Bernaldo & Associates tries Speaking English Fluently

9 September 2017—R. S. Bernaldo & Associates (RSBA) employees started the four-session Speaking English Fluently Workshop. The workshop was designed based on the communication training needs assessment results in July 2017. The workshop ran for four Saturdays in September and October 2017.

BIZCORE training helped us improve our communication skills which is very helpful not just in the corporate setting, but also in our everyday living. It boosts our confidence during presentations with our clients.
Kudos to the BIZCORE Team for providing training programs that are not just enjoyable, but also full of learning!
— Anthony Paño, Quality Assurance Unit Assistant Manager of R.S. Bernaldo & Associates, on Speaking Confidently in English Training

Communication Assertiveness Training for Maynilad Water Services, Inc.

Operations and office personnel of Maynilad Water Services, Inc. trained for communication assertiveness through a two-day workshop from 18 to 19 September 2017. The workshop aimed to make participants engage in clear, concise communication, become flexible when dealing with different kinds of behavior, and manage responses effectively in a controlled resourceful manner.

Lifeline Diagnostic Supplies, Inc. strengthens its team

August 11, 2017—One hundred ninety-six employees of Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies, Inc. had their team building in Bakasyunan Resort and Conference Center from August 11 to 12, 2017. Among the participants was Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies Inc. President Rex Tiri who said  "I have been attending and conducting team building myself in the past many years, but I have never seen anything like BIZCORE's. BIZCORE's team building is exceptional and one-of-a-kind. We've played games, had fun, but everything was related to our processes at work. BIZCORE deserves an applause. Congratulations to all of us!"

BIZCORE had its nine-man team facilitate the customized team building where indoor and outdoor activities made the employees work together, build on their relationships and camaraderie, and incorporate activities to their actual work.  


I have been attending and conducting team building myself in the past many years, but I have never seen anything like BIZCORE’s.

BIZCORE’s team building is exceptional and one-of-a-kind. We’ve played games, had fun, but everything was related to our processes at work. BIZCORE deserves an applause. Congratulations to all of us!
— Rex Tiri, President of Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies, Inc.

Johnson & Johnson Employees become Great Magnetic Personalities

11 May 2017—Approximately 130 Johnson & Johnson International (SG) Pte. Ltd. employees underwent a two-hour Personal Development Forum in its GS Building to become Great Magnetic Personalities. Facilitated by BIZCORE’s Gabby Go Balauag, the Personality Development Forum is the first in a series of planned pocket forums covering personality development, personal branding, and presentation skills.    

Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies, Inc. trains for Effective Business Correspondence

March to May 2017—One hundred forty Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies, Inc. employees underwent two-day Effective Business Correspondence Training in five batches scheduled from March to May 2017. Two of the batches included sales and marketing personnel while the other three included technical support, admin, and other departments. Facilitated mostly by BIZCORE’s Aleksandrov Ivan Burcer, the learning sessions included topics such as English grammar refresher, better email correspondences, and proofreading. The Effective Business Correspondence Training was customized based on the participants’ pre-training comprehensive English communication assessment.   

GMA Artist Center continues its workshop for Talents

March 2017—BIZCORE continues to provide one-on-one and small group communications workshops to talents of GMA Artist Center. Assessed before their training sessions, talents undergo a comprehensive communications assessment which covers grammar and social media usage.  

BIZCORE has provided communication workshops to GMA Artist Center since 2015.            

I had a great experience developing my communication skills with Coach Gabby. He is a highly qualified language coach. He did an excellent job of pinpointing my weak areas and encouraged me to overcome them. All my workshop sessions under BIZCORE have been outstanding and were very helpful. Not only my English fluency improved, but also my confidence and personality.
— Kris Bernal, GMA Network TV & Movie Actor

sanofi-aventis Philippines, Inc trains for Effective Business Correspondence

13 March 2017—Ten sanofi-aventis Philippines, Inc. managers underwent an eight-hour Effective Business Correspondence Training based on the participants’ pre-training comprehensive English communication assessment. Facilitated by BIZCORE’s Aleksandrov Ivan Burcer, the Effective Business Correspondence Training is the second in a three-tier program for the 10 managers who have been with the company for at least five years and cover Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.   

VRS & Co. equips its Auditors with Business Correspondence Program

2 December 2016—Fourteen certified public accountants of Virgilio R. Santos & Company underwent a four-session Effective Business Correspondence Program under BIZCORE from November 4, 2016 to December 2, 2016.

BIZCORE is a professional organization that helps us in our training needs. We appreciate very much the personalized service that it provides. A discussion of our needs is done in order that a customized training module is prepared for us. The trainers are very competent in their areas of expertise.
Our staff have greatly improved their report writing skills. We look forward to more training interventions with BIZCORE.
— Remedios Santos, Managing Partner of Virgilio R. Santos & Co., CPAs

PwC Isla Lipana & Co., Inc employees don their Personal Brand

14 October 2016—BIZCORE powered a #SuperWithCooper Personal Branding seminar-workshop with the 32 executive and administrative assistants of PwC Isla Lipana & Co., Inc. The participants enjoyed learning about practical tips and techniques on choosing the best colors that suit one's skin tone and the best wardrobe that matches one's body shape. The activity ended with a fashion show wherein the participants strutted on the catwalk applying the new skill sets that they have learned.

Bounty Agro Ventures Inc. Supervisors Undergo Communication Skills Training

Bounty Agro Ventures Inc. (BAVI) Trade Marketing Specialists and Head of Creatives underwent a customized four-day Communication Skills Training from August 3 to 6, 2016. This training was conducted to help the six participants improve their written and oral communication competence in preparation to the company's direction toward tapping the global market.

At the start of the training, a three-hour comprehensive English communication skills training needs assessment which covers writing, reading, speaking, and listening was done. After the assessment, learning sessions and discussions about communication fundamentals and skills and written and oral activities were facilitated.

The six participants came from all over the Philippines namely Central Luzon, Southern Luzon, Cebu, Cagayan de Oro, and Greater Metro Manila.

At the end of the training, Head of Creatives Dale San Buenaventura, a participant, gave feedback by writing, "The program helped us a lot on constructing our sentences better; it gave us confidence to speak well and how to talk properly in a corporate setting. I wish we had more days to learn, so we can truly practice what was taught to us."

In addition, Trade Marketing Specialist Rodimer Lomoya, another participant, gave a written commendation by stating, "I highly recommend that the company also use this program for other departments. I can attest that there will be no waste of investments for this kind of programs since the trainers/speakers are highly very commendable. If ever we will have the same program for other departments, I am specifically recommending the same training firm, BIZCORE, as well as the same trainer, Sir Ivan Burcer."

Directly coordinating with BIZCORE regarding this training, BAVI Trade Marketing Group Head Liezyl Hallarsis commented, "Thank you so much for facilitating this seminar. All the participants really enjoyed the four days with you. We look forward to future endeavors with your team."

BIZCORE looks forward to once again provide the best service for BAVI employees.

The program helped us a lot on constructing our sentences better; it gave us confidence to speak well and how to talk properly in a corporate setting. I wish we had more days to learn, so we can truly practice what was taught to us.
— Dale San Buenaventura, Bounty Agro Ventures Inc. Head of Creatives
I highly recommend that the company also use this program for other departments. I can attest that there will be no waste of investments for this kind of programs since the trainers/speakers are highly very commendable. If ever we will have the same program for other departments, I am specifically recommending the same training firm, BIZCORE, as well as the same trainer, Sir Ivan Burcer.
— Rodimer Lomoya, Bounty Agro Ventures Inc. Trade Marketing Specialist
Thank you so much for facilitating this seminar. All the participants really enjoyed the four days with you. We look forward to future endeavors with your team.
— Liezyl Hallarsis, Bounty Agro Ventures Inc. Trade Marketing Group Head

Hosting Skills Training Conducted for Risen Savior Ministry

Be the Best Emcee You Can Be Training was held for 14 church leaders and key personnel from Risen Savior Ministry last April 10, 2016. Customized to fit church settings, included in the training were public speaking, hosting skills, introducing speakers, and organizing impromptu speeches. Individually, participants had to determine their core messages for their target audience and assimilate introducing a speaker to an audience to assess their hosting and public speaking skills.

Bounty Agro Ventures, Inc. undergoes English Communication Skills Training Needs Assessment

Business Center of Resource Empowerment (BIZCORE) conducted the English Communication Skills Training Needs Assessment for 39 Bounty Agro Ventures, Inc. (BAVI) employees at BAVI’s corporate headquarters located at The Taipan Place Condominium, F. Ortigas Jr. Ave., Ortigas Center, Pasig City on February 10, 2016. BAVI is under the Bounty Fresh Group of Companies, one of the leading and fastest growing broiler integrator in the Philippines.

BIZCORE’s three-hour English Communication Skills Training Needs Assessment was held in two batches of 22 employees in the morning and 17 employees in the afternoon respectively. The assessment is part of the sponsorship mileage of BAVI for being a sponsor for the Toastmasters International District 75 Midyear Conference held from October 17 to 18, 2015.

The English Communication Skills Training Needs Assessment grouped test-takers into 10 proficiency levels based on their usage of the four areas of communication namely writing, speaking, listening, and reading, and training programs were recommended for the employees based on the results. The assessment is a non-obligatory service conducted by BIZCORE for its clients. The results of this assessment helps human resources departments of organizations plan and devise training for employees throughout the year.

BIZCORE provides Workplace Communication Seminar for Colombo Plan State College

Four C's of Workplace Communication was conducted by BIZCORE for Colombo Plan State College (CPSC) in January 12, 2016. The seminar was part of the customized “CPSC-PKNU Special Internship Program” which was specifically designed for chosen students of International Development and Cooperation and Fisheries programs of the Pukyong National University (PKNU), Korea from January 2016 to February 2016. The program mainly aimed to meet the specific needs of the students in improving their communication skills in the English language to prepare them in entering the workforce and to equip them with good knowledge in the field of fisheries and international cooperation.

Aside from BIZCORE, lectures were facilitated by CPSC experts in the field of English language and communication, interpersonal job skills, soft skills development in the workplace and teamwork. These include Dr. Romulita C. Alto, Dr. Alice D. Pañares, and Dr. G. Kulanthaivel.

The six delegates had their immersion at several companies based in the Philippines namely Clean Air Asia, United Towers Philippines and World Youth Alliance and had their internship at Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Fisheries Center in Bacolod City, Philippines.