BIZCORE provides Workplace Communication Seminar for Colombo Plan State College

Four C's of Workplace Communication was conducted by BIZCORE for Colombo Plan State College (CPSC) in January 12, 2016. The seminar was part of the customized “CPSC-PKNU Special Internship Program” which was specifically designed for chosen students of International Development and Cooperation and Fisheries programs of the Pukyong National University (PKNU), Korea from January 2016 to February 2016. The program mainly aimed to meet the specific needs of the students in improving their communication skills in the English language to prepare them in entering the workforce and to equip them with good knowledge in the field of fisheries and international cooperation.

Aside from BIZCORE, lectures were facilitated by CPSC experts in the field of English language and communication, interpersonal job skills, soft skills development in the workplace and teamwork. These include Dr. Romulita C. Alto, Dr. Alice D. Pañares, and Dr. G. Kulanthaivel.

The six delegates had their immersion at several companies based in the Philippines namely Clean Air Asia, United Towers Philippines and World Youth Alliance and had their internship at Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Fisheries Center in Bacolod City, Philippines.