English Communications Training under CPSC-RMUTT Partnership

Commissioned by Colombo Plan State College (CPSC), BIZCORE Director Ivan Burcer facilitated a two-phase English Communications Training from 5 to 9 February 2018 and 7 to 11 May 2018 for Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT) support staff under a Memorandum of Understanding between CPSC and RMUTT.

The first phase of the training was conducted in the university campus of RMUTT in Thailand while the second phase of the training involved RMUTT support staff spending a week in the Philippines. During the second phase, the participants practiced speaking in English further, and they visited Corregidor Island in the Philippines for their historical tour and Endurun Colleges Inc. for their school visit.

At the end of the program, the RMUTT Support Staff presented their experience in English in their university.